Supportive Supervision In Telangana: An Evidence-Based Approach To Improving Learning Outcomes In Primary Grades
Vishal Naidu Basava
Date - April 25, 2023

“Without data, you’re another person with an opinion” - W. Edwards Deming
This quote emphasises the importance of data and monitoring in decision-making processes across various fields and education is no exception. In the context of school education, monitoring plays a critical role in ensuring delivery of quality education and identifying areas needing improvement. In the Indian context, while monitoring systems do exist in all states, involving government officials in conducting regular visits and inspections to schools, these visits are often not structured and fail to identify and resolve challenges specific to academic performance.
To address these challenges, the Department of School Education, Telangana in collaboration with the Central Square Foundation developed an Integrated Monitoring System to track and review data across inputs, outputs, and outcomes.
As part of Telangana’s FLN Mission Tholimettu (First Step), the monitoring system is designed to provide supportive supervision and mentorship to teachers, empowering them with the right tools and inputs to achieve the desired learning outcomes. In this article, we present the design framework and outcomes of this monitoring system, which includes the use of easy and effective mobile-based monitoring platforms, data analytics for informed decision-making, and a nuanced understanding of the structural and classroom factors in the education system of Telangana. Genesis of FLN Monitoring and Mentoring in Telangana- The Journey
In an effort to promote structured pedagogy, Telangana developed teacher learning material (TLM) that includes lesson plans and teacher guides, and conducted training for all teachers throughout the state in a cascade mode at various levels. However, the department recognised the need to ensure that teachers are using the TLM effectively and receiving sufficient support and feedback to improve the teaching-learning process in their classrooms. To address this, the concept of “Monitoring and Mentoring” was seeded and further translated into action, with a focus on identifying capable individuals within the system, establishing strong processes, and leveraging technology to support the initiative.
The monitoring system’s design framework is based on a nuanced understanding of the structural and classroom factors in the education system of Telangana. The following components were considered to improve governance and state capacity:
- Process: designing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on the programme’s theory of change and further developing tools, protocols, and reliability mechanisms to measure KPIs.
- People: low state capacity in terms of inadequate resources and systemic infirmities contribute significantly to ineffective monitoring. This is something the state has addressed by creating a dedicated team (cadre in government) of monitoring officials from the Headmasters (HMs).
- Technology: leveraging technology to facilitate monitoring and assessment processes, including the use of the mobile application/platform and dashboards.
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