Articles & Guides

April 25, 2023
Supportive Supervision In Telangana: An Evidence-Based Approach To Improving Learning Outcomes In Primary Grades
To address these challenges, the Department of School Education, Telangana in collaboration...

January 17, 2023
How to design effective FLN Teaching Learning Material (TLM)?
This article looks at Teaching Learning Material (TLM) as the ‘tool’ to improve student learning...

March 27, 2022
Assessment-Informed Instruction-101: A Guide for Practitioners
If a doctor cannot prescribe medicines without gathering, interpreting, and diagnosing...

September 28, 2021
As Schools Reopen, Teach Less but Teach Well
Children in our country are not learning.

October 22, 2020
Demystifying the Science of Teaching: A ‘Structured Pedagogy’ Approach to Improving Foundational Learnings
Teachers play the most critical role in helping children learn meaning...